Wrist is made up of small bones which are connected & surrounded by ligaments and cartilage that allows for movement & cushioning ofbones from rubbing against each other. If any of the ligaments in the wrist get damaged due to movement-such as an extreme bend, twist or some direct impact that impels the wrist into a position over its normal range of motion, then there is a chance of sprain.
Usually, wrist sprain is mostly seen in athletesof various sports such as football, skiing, cycling,snowboarding, diving, basketball and gymnastics. Wrist sprains may also cause in boxing or weightlifting, especially in athletes with poor punching or lifting techniques.
Symptoms of a wrist sprain include:
Usually, doctor will do a thorough physical exam to diagnose a wrist sprain. Further patient might also need an:
It is difficult to prevent wrist sprain because they are usually caused by a sudden accident, but there are few steps that can reduce the risk for injury:
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